CYNOSURE Center of Attention
Yoga is the cynosure of life!
Experiencing Yoga brings your attention back to yourself. That center of attention or The core is present in your body & is the basis of energies in your body.
We as Yoginis and Yogis, follow the path of Auro Ashram, on the path of Aurobindo's and Guru Ma's teaching as well as Pujya Guruji Nagendraji.
Yoga is one of the world’s most integrated systems of personal development. The term “Yoga” is a Sanskrit word meaning “to unite”. Yoga is a means of restoring a healthier balance to body and mind so that you are better able to cope with the stresses and strains of modern life. We are specifically seeking to unify the body, breath and mind. By focusing on the strength and flexibility of the spine, all the muscles in the body are stretched and toned; circulation, digestion and the nervous and respiratory systems are improved. A strong healthy body is produced by combining deep breathing, relaxation and concentration with the postures. Energy levels increase and the body regains its natural flexibility. Stress and tension are released, relaxing and balancing the mind, body and spirit. By practicing yoga, one can maintain youthfulness and enjoy a wonderful improvement in your physical and mental well-being. We at Samatvam Yoga helps you in realizing these energies and balanceing out by joining any of our programs below. Come and restart your lives with us by joining any of our Yoga programs